Making a Difference One Greeting Card At A Time...
"On your request, we will send, by regular postal mail, with a first-class stamp, free of charge, a real paper "Thinking of You" or "Get-Well" greeting card, hand-addressed and handwritten to anyone within the US who is in need of emotional support and a kind encouragement.Do you know anyone who is:
* Hurt emotionally
* Down with depression
* Hurt physically (accident, illness...)
* Hospitalized (either child or adult)
* Shut-in / lonely
* Going through divorce
* Laid off from work or lost a job by any other means
* Lost a loved one
* Going through especially trying times
"Ever since I can remember, I have always loved receiving mail and writing greeting cards by hand. Growing up in Communist Hungary, I hardly ever received mail so when I moved to the US in 1993 and found out that you can get a lot of free stuff here via mail, I have sent off for just about everything and I still do! I know firsthand the joy of receiving mail! Mail, especially hand-addressed mail makes you feel special. It makes you feel like someone took the time to sit down and handwrite your name and address! To this day I still await mail every day with the same joy and anticipation that I a child has awaiting the opening of presents on Christmas Eve. It is my prayer and my hope that my humble service,, will help spread joy, hope and inspiration to many waiting people worldwide and will help your organization raise the needed funds!!"
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