Sunday, 4 February 2007

Anti Valentine

From Amazon

The Break Up Bible (Paperback) by Ruth Graham

"101 True Stories to Make You Glad You're Single!"
"The perfect antidote to all that Valentine's schmaltz."
"...being single will never be scary again!"

"From unfaithful partners, shallow boyfriends and the big-mouthed parrot that gave the game away, to the lethal vagina, the blind date threatening suicide and the transexual guardsman in his girlfriend's wig, all of human life is here. And the best bit is, after reading what other people have gone through in pursuit of love being single will never be scary again!"

The stories are all told from the female perspective giving a huge insight into how women around the world see themselves, the men they form relationships with and bundles of advice on how to (or not) split from an unwanted partner. But this is not an anti-male book. Plenty of the tales revolve around the failings or misdemeanours of women. There are also a selection of stories from gay men and women, and checklists of how to spot when your relationship is failing, how to catch errant partners out and how to gain suitable revenge! This book is a great gift that friends can give to each other when one has broken up, or is getting divorced, or is simply feeling down."

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Buy book at Amazon (Cool Cards have no affiliation)

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